48th Street West & Ave G-5
Parcel Number
The lot is a 1/4 mile south of the entrance to Fox Field Airport at 50th St. West & Ave. G and only 650 feet east of 50th Street West. This property has a record of survey RS222-054 so corners are marked.
Investment Details
This 1.21 acre lot has one of the lowest $/acre (red dot) of the Active listed properties available to buy (green dots). The yellow band indicates that under $20,000/acre is the best $/acre to pay for investment.
This level lot is just south of the Fox Field Airport and a couple of parcels from paved 50th St. West.
LI ~ Light Industrial is Clean, non-polluting industrial and office uses with support commercial.
SP is a Specific Plan designating specific land uses within the area.
This property is in a Moderate Flood Hazard area, which has a risk of between 0.2% and 1% annual chance of flooding.