185th Street East & Ave. N-4
Parcel Number

This 2.59 acre lot has Frontage on 185th Street East at the corner of N-4 and is a half mile east of Lake Los Angeles. All the lots and future streets are surveyed for the area in Tract Map #29613. 185th Street is the edge of RL 2 Land Use and A-1 Light Agricultural Zoning, past this Land Use is RL 20 requiring 20 acres lots per house.
Investment Details

The sale price is the lowest $/acre property available for sale (red dot). The sold comparables have been at a much higher $/acre over the past two years (blue dots). This indicates it is a good "buy low" investment for a savvy buyer.
FRONTAGE on 185th, Half mile east of Lake Los Angeles, in Tract Map #29613. A-1 (Light Ag) zoning with LandUse RL 2 area!
RL 2 ~ Rural Land with 1 Dwelling per 2 gross acres
A-1-2 is Light Agricultural with Single Family Dwellings on minimum 2 acres
This property is in a Minimal Flood Hazard area. The flood mitigation necessity will be minimal when this area develops.